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Split up system-gschemrc-开源项目-CSDN问答
来自 : CSDN技术社区 发布时间:2021-03-25

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\"weixin_39588911\" weixin_39588911 2020-12-09 03:45 首页 开源项目 Split up system-gschemrc

Distinct parts of the system-gschemrcconfiguration file are moved to separate filesunder conf/schematic/ subdir. The code is copiedverbatim, so there are no functional changes.These files are loaded from system-gschemrc:- attribs.scm- deprecated.scm- keys.scm- menu.scm- options.scm- stroke.scm

Extra bonus: now it s easy for the user to override certain aspectsof lepton-schematic behavior. For example, I can provide my ownmenu and attributes files, place them to conf/schematic/ subdirlocated somewhere in the %load-path - и вуаля! - my custom menuand desired set of attributes will be used. No need to edit systemconfiguration file.

该提问来源于开源项目 lepton-eda/lepton-eda

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\"weixin_39939276\" weixin_39939276 3月前

OK, thank you!

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\"weixin_39588911\" weixin_39588911 3月前

I ve updated the PR, please check if it works for you.

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\"weixin_39588911\" weixin_39588911 3月前

Strange, they shouldn t change.

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\"weixin_39939276\" weixin_39939276 3月前

I cannot get why *.desktop.in were changed to *.desktop.in.h? Could you elaborate, please?

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\"weixin_39588911\" weixin_39588911 3月前

Forgot to replace system-gschemrc.scm with menu.scm in po/POTFILES.in.

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\"weixin_39939276\" weixin_39939276 3月前

The patch breaks menu localization for some reason.

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本文链接: http://rcchemuser.immuno-online.com/view-761598.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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